This blog mainly contains news about my Sins of a Solar Empire Mod - Celestial Bodies

What can I do if a minidump and crash comes before any error message?


The whole story:

I have begun testing my custom abilities and buffs. I made a solar radiation ability for a pulsar star. So if i enter the stars gravity well with a ship the game crashes but not error dialog pops up before. Also the log file in the debug folder gives no clue it seams also that it is not completly written, cause the last two line show this:

c:\gs\entrenchment\CodeSource\Engine\DataStructures\FixedArray.h(117): assert! [i >= 0]


I all cases i got minidumps before at least one error popup was shown that gave me a clue whats wrong. I know that the minidumps only can be analyzide by the devs but I hoped using the dev.exe makes them also readable for me.



Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 06, 2009

What do you mean by "full" buff??

There has to be a way to use DoDamage, as i looked through the files and the Unstable Gas Ability of Gas Gaints uses also DoDamage in BuffUnstableGasDeathDamage.

Also i downloaded jizz sins editor 1.02, i still worked with 1.01 without the possible values feature.

I hope this makes it easier to edit the files.


So the longer they stay in the radiation, the higher the chance they'll suffer critical failure Can make it like a 2% chance every 5 seconds Truly diabolical!

This is really nasty. but since ships travel very slow thourgh the suns grav well you can loose your half fleet.



on Mar 06, 2009

Woops, I meant fluff, not full. Meaning it wouldn't do anything other than call a second buff, to trick the game into not having DoDamage come from the main ability.

But on that note, yeah, you're absolutely right.. the gas giant does have DoDamage in its ability chain.

Hmm, have you tried putting your original one on some random neutral instead of a star? See if it works with DoDamage then?

on Mar 06, 2009

Woops, I meant fluff, not full. Meaning it wouldn't do anything other than call a second buff, to trick the game into not having DoDamage come from the main ability.

Ok now i understand.

Hmm, have you tried putting your original one on some random neutral instead of a star? See if it works with DoDamage then?

No but I will do this next, also i will add the unstableGas ability to a star to see if it works. Maybe only stars have this problem.

I will keep you informed.


One Question:

is there any other tutorial for modding abilities and buffs, then  the official included in the forge tools 3?

on Mar 06, 2009

is there any other tutorial for modding abilities and buffs, then the official included in the forge tools 3?

Unless there's a user made one somewhere, nope! Trial, error, and experience/memory

on Mar 06, 2009

Ok here my results:

I added the pulsar ability (the one i original created, not the hullrepair version) to a planet entity. It works perfect!

But the same ability on a star still crashes.


oh i forgot to say i change the pulsardamage buff (see below) the blue lines are from  buffunstablegasdeathdamage, i allways used the buffs from the forge tools 3 entrenchement. but these differ from the files in the installation dir.


entityType "Buff"
onReapplyDuplicateType "PrioritizeNewBuffs"
buffStackingLimitType "ForAllPlayers"
stackingLimit -1

buffExclusivityForAIType "ExclusiveForAllPlayers"
isInterruptable FALSE
isChannelling FALSE
numInstantActions 1
    buffInstantActionType "DoDamage"
    instantActionTriggerType "OnDelay"
    delayTime 0.000000
        Level:0 100.000000
        Level:1 0.000000
        Level:2 0.000000
    damageAffectType "AFFECTS_SHIELDS_AND_HULL"
    damageType "ENERGY"
    isDamageShared TRUE
numPeriodicActions 0
numOverTimeActions 0
numEntityModifiers 0
numEntityBoolModifiers 0
numFinishConditions 1
    finishConditionType "AllOnDelayInstantActionsDone"

on Mar 06, 2009

Well, now we know it's definitely weirdness with a star and DoDamage, since your original ability works fine. Here's what I'd recommend:

Make a small mini mod with just this ability. Make a test map for it with a star and the neutral right next door to your homeworld.

Send both of those to (make sure everything is behaving the way it's supposed to, star is crashing and the neutral is not with the same ability attached to them).

Explain everything you figured out so far, and what you tried. Leave the files in text also.


This way, they can easily check to see what's going on. It probably won't be high priority, but if they have time they might fix this in an upcoming patch. The easier you make it for them, the more likely it'll be that they can see what's going on quickly

on Mar 06, 2009

Good idea,

i make this tomorrow, and thanks for help


on Mar 07, 2009

I send the email, lets wait for the anwser from IC.

In the meanwhile I will continue with some other abilities that are for planet enties



on Mar 07, 2009

Good luck

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