Welcome to part 2 of my "making of maps" series.
CB Mars Wars
This map also takes place in our Sol system, but this time only the inner planets and parts of the asteroid belt are involed in this struggle. It is also set in a time frame before the "Birth of the Trade Order".
The Mars was the first planet colonized and terraformed
by mankind. Experience the Martian War of Independence.
Will Mars win its independency?
UN - United Nations, Tech (Terra)
MC - Martian Colonists, Tech (Mars)
Ideas and stuff that wasn't possible to include:
I hope IC Devs will read it
One idea for this map was, giving the pirates a bigger role. For this i added these new planet item types for starbases :
designName "Tech:StarBase"
entityDefName "StarBaseTech"
designName "Psi:StarBase"
entityDefName "StarBasePsi"
designName "Phase:StarBase"
entityDefName "StarBasePhase"
These items worked fine in the Galaxy Forge I was able to assing them to the piratebase and I also added 3 pirate outposts hidden in the asteroid belt. But as I tested it in the game. The starbases did not show and I got an error message "entity is not supported". Maybe Ironclad adds the starbases to the placeable setup if enough modders ask for this feature.
In the meanwhile i am thinking about to use the starbase meshes for new planet entities. but than you can only give them a few features/abilities of the original ones.
Another feature that is missing, is to disable the fog of war for planets on the maps. I posted it a while ago in a suggetion thread for upcoming features. Especially for companion stars or our sol planets it would be great to set a trigger for each planet (best to have it stored in the galaxy files), that enables/disables the fog of war. So if you set Fog-of-War = off, than a planet appears like a star from the beginning of the game, and shows no phase-lanes.
Thats it,
join me again in "Making of Sins of a Solar Empire maps - Part 3": CB Purple Saturn Day