This blog mainly contains news about my Sins of a Solar Empire Mod - Celestial Bodies

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Mod - Celestial Bodies 
by TohKlidan - version 0.9

Inspired and based on Solar Mod by Cybdevil


or Entrenchment 1.03


Mod Features:

This mods main focus is about adding more celestial body types and extending the existing ones. Which means more size and effect variety, new bonuses and abilities. Also some new researches are included but only things that had to do with colonization or avoiding effects from planet/star abilities. Also this mod contains special scenarios some of them taking place in our own solar system.

Current Celestial Body Count: 104

Overiew of Celestial Body Types:

- Desert 4 sizes (Moon, Dwarf, Normal and Huge)
- Ice 4 sizes (Moon, Dwarf, Normal and Huge)
- Terran 4 sizes (Moon, Dwarf, Normal and Huge)
- Volcanic 4 sizes (Moon, Dwarf, Normal and Huge)
- No Atmosphere 4 sizes (Moon, Dwarf, Normal and Huge)
- GasGiant 2 Sizes (Small, Big) and 2 variants (stable gas and unstable gas)
  also colonizable via new researches
- Homeplanets (Terran, Desert, Ice, Volcanic, PirateBase)
- Blackhole (from 7 Sins Mod with new fx)
- Deep Space Sector
- Nebula
- all existing asteriods, stars etc. have now adjusted sizes and gravity wells.
- White Pulsar (star with new ability)
- Blue Magnetar (star with new ability)
- 6 different Companion Stars (for multi systems)
- 44 different Celestial Bodies of our Solar System.
  (14 with a unique texture, thanks to Cybdevil)
- special scenario planets, like Consciousness of the Unity

Addtional Changes:

- new HUD icons, pictures and Galaxy Forge icons
- new player portraits
- new Milita and Starting Templates
- new planetary bonuses, abilities and researches

For further informations and detailed change list, read Sins_Celestial_Body_Overview.xls

Scenario Maps:

- CB Birth of the Trade Order [ making of blog ]
- CB Mars Wars [ making of blog ]
- CB Purple Saturn Day [ making of blog ]
- CB Sirrius Odyssey [ making of blog ]

- CB Black Hole Pirates
- CB Alpha Centauri

further informations about the maps: post 1 , post 2

And 2 Demo Maps (not balanced for gameplay) to see the
new features in the ForgeTools and ingame.

New Galaxy Forge setups:
- for all new Planets
- Random for Sizes
- Random Moons
- Random Companion Star
- Random Anomaly
- Updated orignal setups with new planets

Here are some ideas and things that will be included with future releases:

- new bonuses and abilities for planets and stars
- new planets and stars
- New Maps and Updating my maps with events/story
  (if ever possible)

Known issues:
- sometimes the corona effect of the companion stars are shown before you zoomed in or explored the star,
  The problem exists with all effects that attached to meshes via mesh points.
  (see the TEC starbase you will see the glow on the top before the body shows up, too)

vanilla Version issues:

- only the custom scenarios appear in the map menu, to fix this:
  Sins treats the mod's Galaxy folder as the Galaxy folder,
  meaning it ignores the standard one if a mod has one. 
  So the solution is to copy/paste every map you have in the Galaxy folder
  in your Sins install folder into the mod's Galaxy folder. (Thanks to SpardaSon21)

- Cybdevil for the solar system textures.
- 7 Sins Mod Team (DANMAN) for the Black Hole, the White Star
- RS-fx for the french version
- team for translating the unmodded entrenchement version to german
- Annatar11 for his Q&A help

CBMod v0.7 for Sins Vanilla 1.15/1.16 download:

CBMod v0.9 for Sins Entrenchment 1.03 download:

Some Screens:


So i hope you enjoy it...

stay tuned for future updates, and feel free to post some comments.

Changelog (only latest changes):

- compatible for entrenchment 1.03
- french translation by RS-fx
- finished german translation, and updated german str file.
- new stars: Magnetar and Magnetar Companion with special ability
- new planets: Consciousness of the Unity
- new maps: CB Black Hole Pirates, Alpha Centauri, preview of "Now and then, Here and there"


- added new Templates for TEC, Vasari and Advent Militia
- added new templates: Rebel Outpost and Pirate Outpost
- added new auto players for TEC, vasari and Advent Militas
- fix in the blackhole attraction field buffs
- small adjustments for the militias on all CB maps


- Unstable Gas Ability targets now also planet modules
- Pulsar Radiation now works on stars (thanks IC!)


- decreased max mines for asteriods, moons, anomalies and the white pulsar
- increased the hyperspaceradius for moons (from 15000 to 17000)
- added pulsar radiation ability to companion pulsar
- added german version (most of the new strings are translated)
- new anomaly: nebula and its ability
- updated demo2 map
- added, reworked and tweaked blackhole abilities
- fixed starting setups for map: "CB Purple Saturn Day"
- added new templates (vasari-milita, advent-milita, special scenario milita) 
- small milita changes on all maps
- new map: CB Sirrius Odyssey


Comments (Page 15)
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on Aug 28, 2010

doberman, it has been over five months since the last update and we have no idea how long until the next update, might be only one month, might be six, but in another thread blair fraser indirectly indicates that there is another patch in the pipeline.

impulse will only update the games to the latest version, not to a particular version.

<edit> there is a copy of the mod in rjhughes thread(site) that is up to date


on Aug 28, 2010

Oh ya baby. I forgot about this mod when I was importing Sins Plus into my mod. Lets see how the game runs with 40+ extra planets and stuff.

Is TohKlidan still around to give permission? If not, are we allowed to release this work (with credit of coarse)?

on Aug 29, 2010

Some beautiful planets and some good ideas in this mod but I'm not to agreeable with the top row for the planet icons. The second row is more what I like and a lot less unobtrusive.

I will be doing a big "Stress Test" and see how many of these planets will make a difference in game lag. Everything is checked for errors and optimized.

So here is my Celestial Bodies combined with Sins Plus DDS texture sheet so far  .

That a big universe.

on Aug 29, 2010

myfist, what specs are the computer(s) you are testing for lag on?



on Aug 29, 2010

2x2.6 dual core, 5 gig ram and 1 gig ATI 

Vista 32 bit

Ya I would like better.

I dont have to add them all but in makes no difference to have them in the sheet or brush pages.

on Aug 29, 2010

wouldn't the lag show up better on a slower computer?



on Aug 29, 2010

Thats a five year old POS. I got the oldest one out of anyone I know. I would probably have to look in the trash bins for something older.

on Aug 29, 2010

nope, ironically Sins runs better on my 32-bit 2 gig system then my 64-bit 4 gig system

and never crashes

on Aug 29, 2010

and I even have a celeron 1.8 with 3gb ddr2 800 and an ati m200, and sins is happy but not fast on it (btw it is a laptop that is atleast  6 years old, but I also have an i7 beast and a fair range in between.

and IF i wanted to really stress a cpu I can fire up an old athlon xp 2400 with 1.5gb ram and a nvidia 5200 (at least 8 years old),

or even older like

a ibm 686 150 with 16MB ram and a 2mb cirrus logic pci vga card(about 13 years old and STILL working my first cd burning comp).



on Aug 30, 2010

im using a 2.27GHz i5 Acer Aspire, brand new and it runs sins perfectly with the effects all on highest. it has 4GB or RAM and an ATI Radeon 512MB.  yes its a laptop. never crashed and is perfectly smooth. love the thing for 850$.

and i know when the game last updated. i was just pissed because i thought Distant Stars had this mod in it but it didnt. for the original Sins. i torrented the v1.18 patch. damn shame they dont come with uninstallers. im not sure if i can patch over it with an earlier version so i just end up reinstalling the game. and is someone ever just going to make a Solar Sins and CB mod fusion? ONLY those two mods? plus some cool ideas i had, EX: Orange Star, Brown Dwarf Star and just get rid of the Green Star because well im an astronomer and i wont go into details but white stars would be green its just there's an equal amount of something and it just negates it making it white.

something else since i love the planet size mod, have Red Giants and Red Dwarfs. and more gas giant textures. i find the two are just boring.

and ever hear of the term Water Giant planet? its the crossover between a Terrestrial and a gas Giant. its a ball of liquid and the mantle is pressurized ice over a molten core. some say that our two outer ones are ice giants and would be considered this type would they be closer in our solar system.

just some thoughts. i REALLy love this mod. i was there when it all began. hell i was even PMing Cybdevil to get cracking. oh well. i just want to play it again so i'll look for a v1.15 patch or something. BTW i was thinking on getting my galaxy forge back up and running. you interested? i could make one for this mod if you want? call it CBForge or something.



on Mar 01, 2011


Ok--looks intriguing and I really want to try it out in Diplomacy but I get a minidump when the game calls  to install the mod.  I am not sure but I think the Dev version I ran is the beta.  The minidump occurs in the beta and non-beta versions for me. 

Here is the dev build error text:


Failed to find data file 'AbilityPirateFlakBurst.entity'. (SubPath = GameInfo)

Failed to find data file 'AbilityPirateIncendiarySlug.entity'. (SubPath = GameInfo)

Failed to find data file 'AbilitySprintPirate.entity'. (SubPath = GameInfo)

Failed to find data file 'BuffPirateIncendiarySlugTarget.entity'. (SubPath = GameInfo)

Failed to find data file 'RESEARCHSUBJECT_PIRATE_ABILITYACCESS_INCENDIARY_SLUG.entity'. (SubPath = GameInfo)

Failed to find data file 'RESEARCHSUBJECT_PIRATE_ABILITYACCESS_SPRINT.entity'. (SubPath = GameInfo)

Failed to find data file 'RESEARCHSUBJECT_PIRATE_REGEN1.entity'. (SubPath = GameInfo)

Failed to find data file 'RESEARCHSUBJECT_PIRATE_WEAPONSCOOLDOWNS1.entity'. (SubPath = GameInfo)



Any suggestions?  I haven't viewed the entity files and all of the beta or Celestial so I don't know which is missing what.  No luck updating, etc.


on Mar 01, 2011

Imperium, did you download it from this post?

Here is the latest version of Celestial Bodies for Diplomacy v1.01:


on Mar 01, 2011

Yep--that's where I got it.

Looking at the error items I'm wondering if its new pirate abilities from the beta that are failing to show?  Were they added in the beta and Celestial is overwriting not knowing about the additions?

on Mar 01, 2011

whenever I try to load mod, it gives me this error reading:

Saved MiniDump:



What do?

on Mar 01, 2011

Yep--that's where I got it.

Looking at the error items I'm wondering if its new pirate abilities from the beta that are failing to show?  Were they added in the beta and Celestial is overwriting not knowing about the additions?

You should revert to version 1.011, I don't know what the beta changes but there is a good chance it is game breaking.

Edit: Weren't all of those in prior to the beta though?

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