This blog mainly contains news about my Sins of a Solar Empire Mod - Celestial Bodies

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Mod - Celestial Bodies 
by TohKlidan - version 0.9

Inspired and based on Solar Mod by Cybdevil


or Entrenchment 1.03


Mod Features:

This mods main focus is about adding more celestial body types and extending the existing ones. Which means more size and effect variety, new bonuses and abilities. Also some new researches are included but only things that had to do with colonization or avoiding effects from planet/star abilities. Also this mod contains special scenarios some of them taking place in our own solar system.

Current Celestial Body Count: 104

Overiew of Celestial Body Types:

- Desert 4 sizes (Moon, Dwarf, Normal and Huge)
- Ice 4 sizes (Moon, Dwarf, Normal and Huge)
- Terran 4 sizes (Moon, Dwarf, Normal and Huge)
- Volcanic 4 sizes (Moon, Dwarf, Normal and Huge)
- No Atmosphere 4 sizes (Moon, Dwarf, Normal and Huge)
- GasGiant 2 Sizes (Small, Big) and 2 variants (stable gas and unstable gas)
  also colonizable via new researches
- Homeplanets (Terran, Desert, Ice, Volcanic, PirateBase)
- Blackhole (from 7 Sins Mod with new fx)
- Deep Space Sector
- Nebula
- all existing asteriods, stars etc. have now adjusted sizes and gravity wells.
- White Pulsar (star with new ability)
- Blue Magnetar (star with new ability)
- 6 different Companion Stars (for multi systems)
- 44 different Celestial Bodies of our Solar System.
  (14 with a unique texture, thanks to Cybdevil)
- special scenario planets, like Consciousness of the Unity

Addtional Changes:

- new HUD icons, pictures and Galaxy Forge icons
- new player portraits
- new Milita and Starting Templates
- new planetary bonuses, abilities and researches

For further informations and detailed change list, read Sins_Celestial_Body_Overview.xls

Scenario Maps:

- CB Birth of the Trade Order [ making of blog ]
- CB Mars Wars [ making of blog ]
- CB Purple Saturn Day [ making of blog ]
- CB Sirrius Odyssey [ making of blog ]

- CB Black Hole Pirates
- CB Alpha Centauri

further informations about the maps: post 1 , post 2

And 2 Demo Maps (not balanced for gameplay) to see the
new features in the ForgeTools and ingame.

New Galaxy Forge setups:
- for all new Planets
- Random for Sizes
- Random Moons
- Random Companion Star
- Random Anomaly
- Updated orignal setups with new planets

Here are some ideas and things that will be included with future releases:

- new bonuses and abilities for planets and stars
- new planets and stars
- New Maps and Updating my maps with events/story
  (if ever possible)

Known issues:
- sometimes the corona effect of the companion stars are shown before you zoomed in or explored the star,
  The problem exists with all effects that attached to meshes via mesh points.
  (see the TEC starbase you will see the glow on the top before the body shows up, too)

vanilla Version issues:

- only the custom scenarios appear in the map menu, to fix this:
  Sins treats the mod's Galaxy folder as the Galaxy folder,
  meaning it ignores the standard one if a mod has one. 
  So the solution is to copy/paste every map you have in the Galaxy folder
  in your Sins install folder into the mod's Galaxy folder. (Thanks to SpardaSon21)

- Cybdevil for the solar system textures.
- 7 Sins Mod Team (DANMAN) for the Black Hole, the White Star
- RS-fx for the french version
- team for translating the unmodded entrenchement version to german
- Annatar11 for his Q&A help

CBMod v0.7 for Sins Vanilla 1.15/1.16 download:

CBMod v0.9 for Sins Entrenchment 1.03 download:

Some Screens:


So i hope you enjoy it...

stay tuned for future updates, and feel free to post some comments.

Changelog (only latest changes):

- compatible for entrenchment 1.03
- french translation by RS-fx
- finished german translation, and updated german str file.
- new stars: Magnetar and Magnetar Companion with special ability
- new planets: Consciousness of the Unity
- new maps: CB Black Hole Pirates, Alpha Centauri, preview of "Now and then, Here and there"


- added new Templates for TEC, Vasari and Advent Militia
- added new templates: Rebel Outpost and Pirate Outpost
- added new auto players for TEC, vasari and Advent Militas
- fix in the blackhole attraction field buffs
- small adjustments for the militias on all CB maps


- Unstable Gas Ability targets now also planet modules
- Pulsar Radiation now works on stars (thanks IC!)


- decreased max mines for asteriods, moons, anomalies and the white pulsar
- increased the hyperspaceradius for moons (from 15000 to 17000)
- added pulsar radiation ability to companion pulsar
- added german version (most of the new strings are translated)
- new anomaly: nebula and its ability
- updated demo2 map
- added, reworked and tweaked blackhole abilities
- fixed starting setups for map: "CB Purple Saturn Day"
- added new templates (vasari-milita, advent-milita, special scenario milita) 
- small milita changes on all maps
- new map: CB Sirrius Odyssey


Comments (Page 14)
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on Feb 10, 2010

restless, the player entitys have an entire new screen in them plus the extra research for diplomacy, so it would take a modder to adapt CB to diplomacy.



on Feb 10, 2010

Oh dear. How much work would need to be done?

on Feb 10, 2010

more time than i can spare, but you could look at distant stars as they claim to have the celestial boies included.



on Feb 12, 2010

Perhaps TohKlidan will update it for Diplomacy?

on Feb 12, 2010

I might update it depending on how much which needs to be changed.

After a fast look, I can see that there is quite something to add, but that they also made it relatively easy to do so. I might update it tomorow or when I get tired of my abilities bullying me.

on Feb 12, 2010

I might update it depending on how much which needs to be changed.

After a fast look, I can see that there is quite something to add, but that they also made it relatively easy to do so. I might update it tomorow or when I get tired of my abilities bullying me.

That would be so awesome! Karma'd for even mentioning it.

on Feb 19, 2010

Here is the latest version of Celestial Bodies for Diplomacy v1.01:

on Jun 11, 2010


Just so ya know i've been working the last couple weeks combining your planets into the SoA2 Mod, the big Star Trek mod.  So far it's woring great, but still I'm not planning on setting it up for people to download, I don't honestly know how, and besides for you I'd also need permission from the SoA2 team.  So this is just for me to play here at home, but still I wanted to let you know what I was up to, and thank you for adding such realism to the game!!!  

on Jul 11, 2010


on Aug 27, 2010

hey can you make this compatible with sins v1.19 plz?

on Aug 27, 2010

monk124us & doberman, the SAME answer to both of your queries

download the version for your expansion on the OP extract it into the correct mods- folder (monk yours should be Mods-Entrenchment v1.03)(doberman yours should be Mods-V1.16)

1 then download my mod updater in my modding utilites pack,

1a. extract the ENTIRE contents to a folder OR usb stick on your computer,

2 in the folder you just extracted the entire utilities to, look for a file called 'harpos_SINS_mod_updater.exe' and run it,

3. in the folders window that is visible find the folder that contains all the mods you want to update AND double left mouse click on the folder which should open the folder so that you can see the folders that contain the mods that you use

4. now click on the button labeled '1. set source to copy from' the button label should change to the path that contains the mods that you want to update , and a new folder browser will become visible and will default to the latest version folder for the sins/expansion

5. click on the 'copy and update the entity files' button

the mod updater will now go and copy all the files in the source mods folder to the destination folder and update all the entity files with the changes from the version of the source folder to the current version

6. when you have updated the first expansion then you can click on the 'reset the settings' button and then start on step 3

7. when you have updated all of the mod from all of the expansions then you can click on '4. exit' to close the program


on Aug 27, 2010

rly? you made a mod updater? i just reinstalled sins! i was gonna get the v1.05 patch and see if that worked. i just got a new PC and wanted 7DS Mod. oh well. i guess i'll try that. thanks

on Aug 27, 2010

it doesnt work with distant stard does it... i got an error message.


EDIT: no it didnt work on distant stars.

on Aug 27, 2010

dude it doesnt work man. i tried 2 mods now and same thing. i get 2 errors midway and when i try to start it up the mods dont work.


here are the 2 Fails: 


these files failed to be converted so that they could be checked for updating

The converter used to read was ConvertData_OriginalSins1.16.exe

The converter used to write was ConvertData_OriginalSins1.191.exe

on Aug 27, 2010

why the F*** does sins keep updating so much??? I WANT MY MODS!!! I dont even like impulse. its useless! 

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